Zee Featured- Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance Spotlight Speaker Series
Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance and Appel, Yost & Zee LLP invite you to join The Spotlight Speaker Series virtual event scheduled in April as part of our concerted efforts to raise awareness during National Child Abuse Prevention Month. The Spotlight Speaker Series event hosts expert speakers from the field who will provide relevant and timely presentations on topics that focus on child abuse prevention from a variety viewpoints. The purpose of this event is to raise awareness of the importance of child abuse prevention across systems and to educate other professionals on the impact that child abuse prevention efforts can have for individuals, organizations, systems, and communities. Speakers will share their expertise from the field highlighting detailed information, evidence and data related to the topic.
Education Group chair, William J. Zee, will address the impact of trauma and adverse childhood experiences (ACES) on student academic and behavioral achievement and explore the importance of applying trauma-informed practices. Attorney Zee will offer “best practice” strategies for ensuring an appropriate and comprehensive response to incidents involving a manifestation of inappropriate behaviors related to trauma including: specific suggestions and recommendations for behavioral supports; the importance of engaging inside and outside stakeholders, including the student, parents, the school (including legal issues), children and youth agencies, counselors, evaluators and other relevant experts; the necessity of fully assessing the impact of trauma on the community.
Registration for this event will be required and CEUs will be available for anyone attending a live speaker session. To register visit the PFSA website. > REGISTER FOR THIS FREE SERIES AT PAFSA.ORG