Appel, Yost & Zee LLP - Attorneys at Law

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Wolf Administration Mandates Masks in School

By William J. Zee & Megan E. Bomba

August 31, 2021

Earlier this afternoon, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf held a press conference to announce a new mask mandate under the Order of the Secretary of Health Alison Beam. Effective Tuesday, September 7, 2021, all students, teachers, staff and visitors must wear a face covering when inside school buildings and child care centers. The Order will remain in effect until Secretary Beam determines the public health risk is sufficiently reduced and face coverings are no longer necessary.

In addition to the press conference, the Pennsylvania Department of Education released an FAQ document to address questions about the Order. The FAQ document provides guidance as to who the Order affects, how long the Order will last, obligations school districts may have to enforce the Order, and more information for the public to consider.

Should you have any questions concerning this Order or any other issue concerning school policy, do not hesitate to reach out to William J. Zee or any of the other attorneys in the Appel, Yost & Zee Education Law Group.